Sycamore (Planatus Occidentalis)

Tree:  Reaches heights of 120 ft., with a diameter of 3 ft.
Wood:  Sapwood is white to light yellow, while the heartwood is light to dark brown. Sycamore is classified as moderate in weight, hardness, stiffness, shock resistance and strength in bending.
Working Properties:   It has a close texture.
Uses:  Furniture (particularly drawer sides), containers, millwork, flooring, veneer, plywood, pulp wood, paper, particle board.

Milled Date: June 2013
Approx Size: 10'L x 24"W x 2"D
Provenance:  New Jersey
Yielded Slabs: 3
Description: Spalted Sycamore - we have the entire tree, all 10' long slabs.
Catalog #SY_1

As of January 2016, we have milled and added new Sycamore logs to our list

Milled Date: September 2013
Approx Size: 6'L x 36-40"W x 2"D
Provenance:  Fordham University, NY
Yielded Slabs: 9
Description: Sycamore crotch.  We have another 6' log that we will be milling soon.
Catalog #SY_2



Milled Date: 
Approx Size: 11'L x 42"W
Provenance:  New Jersey
Yielded Slabs: 
Description: Variations in color, spalt
Catalog #SY_3