First Post-Fire Delivery of Pre-Fire Commissioned Work

This beautiful table top had already been finished when the fire at 222 Lake Ave. struck. It survived the ordeal and only needed some refinishing and it's legs.  All this was done in the pop-up workshop and without our usual array of tools and equipment.  We've never stopped working during this time.  We've just needed resourcefulness and ingenuity. While we've had to adjust completion schedules, we've not had to stop work on existing projects, nor have we turned away new ones.


Day 6 - Women Are Wonderful

We've had some terrific people helping us this past week. The majority have been men but today we had not one but two fabulous women lending their talents at the shop.

In honor of International Women's Day on March 8, our hats off to artist Katherine Kisa and interior designer, Akhira Ismail, colleagues and friends who took time out on a frigid Saturday to help out.  Merci, Grazie, Danke, Kiitos, Arigato, Spasibo, Gracias and plain ole THANK YOU.

NYCitySlab ABP

A bit dramatic (All Points Bulletin) we know, but sometimes that is what it takes to get the job done. 

So here's the scoop:  On Monday, March 6, the Yonkers Fire Department is generously allowing us two hours to get some of our equipment out of the old shop.  Two hours is not a lot of time and as many of you know, our equipment is not for the faint-hearted.

We're sending out a call to our friends, friends of friends, family, people who follow us on social media, clients, almost-clients, people who met us at the Flea, etc.

If you can spare the time, come help us get our stuff out of our old shop.  We are eternally grateful for the encouragement and support we receive from all of you. 

  • Monday, March 6, 2017, 10AM to 12PM
  • 222 Lake Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10701

Day 6 - It's About Reconnecting

On this particularly cold Saturday, it's a "no rest for the weary" day.  It's amazing on how little sleep one can go on.

So we're forging ahead.  The electricity and heat are on in the new shop.  We'll be placing these beauties in strategic spots on the floor and they'll be connected asap. 


This is just what we need to get crankin' .


Hello gorgeous!  Good to see you again.